National Apple and Pear Crop Estimates for the 2023 Season

The apple and pear industry annual crop estimate work is now underway for the 2022 - 23 season.  An accurate crop estimate provides valuable information to stakeholders across the apple and pear industries, these include growers, marketers, exporters, packhouses, importers, chemical suppliers and government and industry bodies. 

It is critical to the entire industry that the estimate is as accurate as possible, and as such we need our growers help.  As in previous seasons the crop estimate methodology involves monitoring a panel of growers to estimate relative changes of this year’s crop by region and variety.

Each year a grower panel of 20% of the industry is selected in each growing region. 

Participation and the information you provide will be treated as confidential.

The information we require (by variety) is: planted area, gross production (bins or kg), Class 1 pack out and comments on growing season, size etc.  Should you wish, your data can also be entered into AgFirst’s OrchardNet database which can assist to benchmark your data against other growers.

  • If you would like you to be part of the grower panel, please contact Susie. 

  • Assistance with setting up fruit size monitoring is also available again this year and if you need some assistance or incentive to monitor fruit size to improve your pack out this season please contact Susie.

  • Susie can provide an excel spreadsheet to record your data or alternatively click below to enter online.

Nardia Stacy