Last week's APAL Future Orchards® Walk at Athertons - another successful WA grower event!

It was a great start to the week, last Monday.  Talking to young tree development at APAL’s future orchard walk. Thank you to the orchard hosts Steve & Nerida Atherton for allowing us all to walk through your orchard and sharing your data on block performance.  It will be interesting to see how those young Pink Eve trees perform after seeing the different pruning styles demonstrated on the day.

Guest speaker orchard manager Paul Vogelaar, Orchard Manager with Kiwicrunch in Hawke’s Bay, NZ, and Ag First consultant Jonathan Brookes gave an informative talk on the economics of planting a new block and time to return on your investment followed by a pruning demonstration on how to grow the tree before the fruit in the first couple of years.

It was another good day for orchardists to talk about growing quality apples. Thank you to everyone who made the effort to attend, we appreciate your support.

Nardia Stacy