IGA Waterford wins national award for fresh pear display

Images of the Award winning submission by IGA Waterford

Waterford WA IGA wins national retailer sales challenge award for the 2022 set by the Hort Innovation Australian Pears campaign.  

This week Executive Manager of Pomewest, Nardia Stacy, was proud to attend the presentation to Waterford IGA for a national marketing award. Representing the WA Agricultural Produce Commission Pome Producers’ Committee and growers served by Pomewest.

IGA Waterford store representatives were awarded a certificate and prize for best display and overall sales for pears in WA in 2022 by Metcash State Produce Buyer, Albert Zurzolo. This activity was supported by Hort Innovation’s National Marketing campaign for Australian Pears - 'Good Things come in Pears'. 

IGA Waterford fresh produce experts Kaela Gibb and Josip Daminjanic (pictured right with Albert Zurzolo and Nardia) accepted the prize on behalf of the store.  Albert Zurzolo said, it was these type of incentives and resources provided by the Hort Innovation marketing team, that inspire staff to go the extra mile in creating exciting fresh produce displays.  Designed to lift consumer awareness of the product and promote seasonality to the category.

Albert is more than keen that Metcash continues to support these type of promotions for fresh produce again in 2023 - with the goal of championing successful local independent grocers.  

Winning this national prize is just another feather in the cap for WA and a terrific example of how the apple and pear national marketing levy funding is working to support growers by lifting the profile and consumption of pears across the country.


Albert Zurzolo, Kaela Gibb, Nardia Stacy and Josip Daminjanic being presented a certificate and prize for the award

Nardia Stacy