Water Futures Forum Wednesday 2 November at 3.00 pm

South-West Farmers are invited to attend the WATER FUTURES FORUM

Organised by the Western Australian Water Users Coalition

Meeting will be Chaired by Mr John Hassell President WA Farmers

  • When | Wednesday 2nd November at 3.00pm

  • Where | Manjimup Town Hall, 37 – 39 Rose Street Manjimup.

Evening Agenda

  • Welcome by the WAWUC

  • Introduction of Forum Chairperson Mr John Hassle WA Farmers President

  • Warren Donnelly Water Advisory Committee – Community Representatives, Ms Diane Fry, Mr John Omodei.

  • DWER – Mr Don Cummins- Water Licencing conditions and transparency.

  • DPIRD- The Donnelly River- Mr Richard George and Ms Shaan Pawley.

  • Ms Julia Easton- Research Fellow, Curtin Centre for Crop and Disease Management- The value of water for agrifood production.

  • Acumetis- Mr Richard Graham Southern Forests Irrigation Scheme

  • Western Australian Water Users Coalition

  • Southern Forests Irrigation Reference Group – Mr Ian Longson.

  • Questions from the floor and general discussion.

  • Forum summary and close

Meal and refreshments available at the completion

Enquiries please contact Steve Walsh 0409 016 040 wawateruserscoalition@outlook.com

Nardia Stacy