Recruitment of APC Commissioner (Part-time) position

The Hon Alannah MacTiernan MLC, Minister for Agriculture and Food invites nominations from persons interested in serving as a member of the Agricultural Produce Commission.

One position needs to be filled. The appointment commences on 1 January 2023.

Role of the Commission

The Commission is constituted under the Agricultural Produce Commission Act 1998. The Commission is responsible for forming and overseeing the operations of producers’ committees in the horticultural industry and any other industry prescribed under the Act.

The Commission currently has producers’ committees in the following industries; Avocado, Beekeeping, Carnarvon Banana, Egg, Pome, Citrus and Stone Fruit, Pork, Potato, Strawberry, Vegetable Grapes and Wine.

Selection criteria for Commissioners

Nominations are sought from persons with a broad understanding of the agricultural industry, who have active industry experience and/or experience in financial management, or experience relevant to other functions of the Commission.

Applicants should ideally possess experience and skills in the following areas:

  • Agricultural industry production and marketing

  • Business and financial management including corporate governance

  • An understanding of agricultural industry trends and strategic issues

  • Policy development and planning

  • Industry consultation and communications


The Commission consists of three or four part-time commissioners who are appointed by the Minister. Appointments are for a term of up to three (3) years. The Minister appoints one of the members to be chairperson.

Nomination process

Closing date for nominations is Friday 21 October 2022.

Nominations are to be sent to:

Kate Armstrong, Project Officer Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development

Locked Bag 4, Bentley Delivery Centre WA 6983 Email:

Further information available from:

Catherine O'Keeffe, A/CEO Agricultural Produce Commission


Phone: (08) 9368 3127

Nardia Stacy