Qfly Bayswater Industry Update No 5, 12 September 2023

Queensland fruit fly (Qfly) Bayswater response

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) thanks industry for its continued collaboration to eradicate Queensland fruit fly (Qfly) from Western Australia and re-establish Area Freedom.

Based on the last detection date of Qfly on 21 April 2023, the earliest date for expected reinstatement of pest area freedom is Friday, 27 October 2023.

Visit the DPIRD website (link below) for information and advice for Qfly Export Assurance Zone growers.

This is the first time a Qfly response and associated Quarantine Area (QA) has impacted a production area.

Under the national fruit fly protocol, pest area freedom status reinstatement depends on the absence of wild fruit fly adults or larvae in the Quarantine Area.

Consequences of potentially detecting more Qfly

If more Qfly are detected prior to the expected reinstatement date of Friday, 27 October 2023, a Quarantine Area Amendment Notice will be published to extend the duration of quarantine and requirements for residents and industry to stop the spread of Qfly.

DPIRD will resume or continue operational, surveillance and compliance activities in the Quarantine Area.

Calculations for a new expected pest area freedom reinstatement date will commence.

For more information about how the expected date of Pest Area Freedom status reinstatement on 27 October 2023 could impact your business, please contact industry liaison staff listed under the Useful contacts and links section.

Nardia Stacy