2022 Annual Pome Grower Tour, Presentations and Dinners

APAL and Pomewest invite you to join us for two nights of industry consultancy, communication and networking. APAL will provide an update on its programs and the pome industry more broadly, and you will hear updates from Pomewest Committee, Managers and Consultants.

These events are exclusively for APC Fee for Service paying apple and pear growers and APAL members.

The program includes

  • APAL Updates

  • Quality program updates

  • Pomewest updates

  • Building Business Capacity Program 1 & 2 year results

  • WA Biosecurity Liaison Officer Project Outcomes

  • Market access and export opportunities

Held in Donnybrook on Tuesday 16 August and Manjimup on Wednesday 17 August

Details in the Event section of the Pomewest Website

Nardia Stacy