Susie Murphy-White
Susie is based at the Manjimup Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development office.
“Building trust and encouraging growers drives innovation, this is where we see the change on ground happening.”
Office 08 9777 0151 | Email
Her current role of Project Manager includes a number of project areas that seek to improve on ground adoption of new technologies to be used within the pome fruit industry.
These projects include…
Coordination, communication and extension of industry events and information
Crop estimates including fruit size monitoring and maintaining Orchard Net database
Biosecurity Liaison; developing and presenting guidelines on preparedness for a biosecurity incidents
Front Line Advisor for APAL’s Future Orchards project coordinating Orchards Walks, Community Orchard Group and regional study trials for WA.
PIPS 3 Soil Health Field site coordinator for WA, investigating sustainable orchard floor management treatments influence soil health, tree health , fruit yield and quality.
New project developments for the WA Pome Industry
Susie has been with Pomewest since 2015, initially coming across from DAFWA to complete the two national climate change projects. These projects investigated the potential impacts of low winter chill and extreme heat on apples, pears and cherries. The netting demonstration site was set up as part of the climate change project where black and white net were monitored for environmental conditions, yield and quality.