Medfly Surveillance, Trapping Network (CSIRO)

The Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata – Medfly) Surveillance Trapping Network was established in a number of fruit growing areas in the South-West of Western Australia. 

The surveillance trapping network monitored Medfly over six growing seasons.  The data collected will be available to support future acceptable trade protocols with a view to improving market access outcomes for local pome fruit producers.

  • Two written reports completed summarizing the Medfly surveillance program and the national and international pome fruit industry.

  • Individual Medfly surveillance data reports prepared for Pomewest participant growers including Medfly threshold tables for each property and for three regional towns.

The Pomewest Medfly surveillance data set has also supported the national ‘Systems Approach’ project led by CSIRO and DPIRD.

2021, 2020Nardia Stacy