Codling Moth
The project aims to develop a system for detecting codling moth incursions in WA.
This project has been ongoing for many years, and it is a continuation of the existing project.
WA is one of the very few places in the world that is free from codling moth so pome fruit producers can gain a market access advantage and do not need to apply pesticides for control of the pest.
Through early detection the chances of successful eradication are increased and the costs of carrying out an eradication campaign are reduced. Through placing codling moth traps on every commercial pome fruit property each season the chances of early detection of codling moth are increased.
Codling Moth 2018 - to date
Pomewest continues to fund the monitoring of Codling Moth and supported, along with other grower groups, the recent eradication of Qfly and reinstatement of Area Freedom in WA.
Pomewest continue to engage with the relevant statutory organisations with the future biosecurity strategies and developments and ongoing funding structures.
Codling Moth 2015
FFS funding over the past 8 years has allowed for two private consultants through DAFWA to monitor, trap and report for Codling Moth prevalence. This monitoring contract is due to cease in 2014/2015 there is option for Pomewest to engage consultants directly if this service is required.