Soluna™ - Something real - is internationally launched!

Yesterday, the Soluna™ trademark was officially at Asia Fruit Logistica in Bangkok, Thailand.   Department of Primary Industry and Development DPIRD and commercialisation partners TopStar and FruitWest were there to celebrate!

Local producers Fruit West Chair Ann Lyster and Harvey Giblett along with licensed marketers WA Farm Direct and DPIRD Director of Horticulture Rohan Prince in Bangkok to mark the occasion, the news presenting a significant opportunity for Australian apple export growth.

This new and innovative international apple brand will continue the journey for ANABP 01 (sold in Australia as Bravo®), the last apple to be bred by legendary apple breeder the late John Cripps. DPIRD has a RICH history of creating stunning apples and amazing apple brands, and Soluna™ is no different. Like all John’s apples, Soluna™ has a striking natural beauty, distinctive and appealing flavour and is truly Stunning with Substance.

There is even more  apples in the pipeline to build the next chapter in Western Australia’s apple breeding story.

Read more here

Nardia Stacy