Roll Up, Roll Up - its Show-Time! 23 - 30 September 2023
2023 Perth Royal Show Growers welcome to join us promoting WA apples and pears
Swirling and curling apple slinkies for show goers to enjoy a healthy natural snack
The WA apple industry has actively promoted apples at the Perth Royal Show since 2016. This has typically included the opportunity for showgoers to sample apples and discover more about the apple industry. Approximately 450,000 people attend the eight-day show, and at our stand, they get to sample, buy a healthy snack, and learn about WA's rich apple history.
Our following has grown significantly, with many young families visiting us regularly to experience and enjoy an apple slinky.
The apple activation in 2023 will be located in the Centenary Pavilion as part of the Farm To Food exhibition, dedicated to promoting food production and distribution to children to understand better where food comes from. It is mainly hands-on and interactive and will incorporate educational information and the opportunity to taste apple varieties to encourage greater awareness of apples amongst families and children.