Queensland Fruit Fly detection in Bayswater incident declared 1 March 2023

The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) is responding to an outbreak of Queensland fruit fly (Qfly) in Bayswater.  Qfly is an exotic fruit fly to Western Australia and is one of the world’s worst agricultural pests of fruit and fruiting vegetables such as citrus, stone fruit, tomatoes and many others.

DPIRD detected the presence of Qfly through a system of just over 2,000 lure traps monitored by the department across the Perth metropolitan area. These form part of WA’s fruit fly trapping system which supports WA access to interstate and export markets and provides an early warning system in the event of an incursion.  This trapping system has detected six male Qfly in a residential area in Bayswater since 16 February 2023. There have been no detections in any commercial fruit or vegetable production areas this summer.  In response to these detections, a level 2 incident was declared on 1 March 2023 and the DPIRD response team is preparing a response plan and undertaking further delimiting surveys.

Pomewest will be proactive in keeping our growers informed regularly about the incident as updates are provided by DPIRD.  We understand the process has commenced to place a Quarantine Area Notice on the area, with trapping, inspections and baiting of host plants on private premises, verges, and street trees near each detection.

You can also visit the link below for up-to-date information as it unfolds.

Nardia Stacy