Pollination: Report on Australian pollination service statistics

In 2021, the demand for European honey bee hives by the Top 10 pollination-dependent horticultural industries was 644,000 hives. By 2031, demand is forecast to increase to 952,000 hives (assuming absence of Varroa mite). 

Apples and Pears are in the top 10 pollination-dependent horticultural industries in Australia, currently sitting at number 6 in terms of overall industry hive requirements.

 This report may be of interest to you as it provides an overview of:

  • current and projected European honey bee and native stingless bee hive requirements for each industry 

  • average cost per hive (in different industries) and issues that drive pricing

  • pollination calendar showing when hives are required in different crops across Australia (who you are competing with)

  • reasons why beekeepers chose not to supply pollination services

  • biggest issues experienced by growers that use managed hives

  • how climate events and climate variability impact pollination service demand

  • research and development priorities.

Nardia Stacy