Fruit Fly Community Engagement Workshop in Donnybrook

The Fruit Fly Workshop hosted by Leschenault Biosecurity Group at the Donnybrook Community Garden Day was a success!

About 20 local community members attended the event last Sunday. Isabel Arevalo-Vigne, DPIRD's resident Fruit Fly Expert, explained simple but effective methods for controlling medfly in town gardens using a CUBE strategy - see below.

Pomewest Committee member Sam Licciardello gave his time to explain the impact of fruit fly on local orchards and spoke about the connection between gardens and production areas. This activity was significant in highlighting the role of industry, community, and government working together in plant biosecurity engagement and awareness. 


DPIRD officer Alex also introduced the 'My Pest Guide' app to the participants and explained how it can identify pests and diseases in the common garden.

Nardia Stacy