Developing a WA Apple Heritage and Produce Trail

Pomewest is supporting the development of an Apple Heritage and Produce Trail in Western Australia, which aims to celebrate the growing significance of the apple industry in the region. Dr. Helen Cripps, daughter of the late John Cripps, is coordinating the project, including oral histories from apple producers, growers, breeders, and physical and digital memorabilia.

The trail will also provide links to local growers and their products throughout Western Australia. To facilitate access to these resources, the initiative will utilize physical signage such as posters or plaques with QR codes, which will link consumers to a digital platform where they can access the oral histories, see digital copies of memorabilia, and explore businesses involved in the apple industry across the state. The project's overarching goal is to promote the apple industry and foster a sense of pride and connection in local consumers to the WA apple industry.

If you would like to participate in this project by contributing an oral history, memorabilia, or the web address and details of a business involved in the apple industry, please get in touch with Helen here  

Helen will be a special guest with her sister Alwyne at the upcoming Annual Pome Grower meetings at the Vault in the Perth Hills on Thursday 10 August.

Nardia Stacy