BAM Act Review

The Biosecurity and Agriculture Management Act 2007(External link) (BAM Act) is the foundation that protects Western Australia's environment, agricultural resources and the lifestyle that Western Australians enjoy. It governs WA’s responses to plant and animal pests, weeds and diseases, the use of agricultural and veterinary chemicals, and the safety and quality of our agricultural products.

The Act has has served us well over the last 10 years, but it needs to be reviewed. With growing numbers of pest and disease risks putting pressure on WA's biosecurity system, changing consumer expectations of the integrity, quality and safety of food and agricultural products, and with new technologies and new ways of thinking at our doorstep, there is plenty to talk about.

The review is being carried out during 2022 by an independent six-member panel(External link), appointed by the Minister for Agriculture and Food.

Meaningful engagement from WA's biosecurity and agriculture management stakeholders, including the general public, is needed. This will help the Review Panel understand how the BAM Act has supported WA's biosecurity and agriculture management over the past 10 years, and how it can continue to do so - and be sure that any recommendations coming from the review are well-informed and purposeful. The Panel has designed a three-stage engagement process:

  • Stage 1 is open submissions and a survey to identify major themes and issues

  • This will provide the foundation for Stage 2 - participatory processes to further explore the themes and issues

  • Stage 3 will include broader engagement to get feedback on the findings and potential solutions

While the input from WA's agricultural industries is important, all Western Australians are encouraged to contribute. Invasive pests, weeds and diseases also affect fisheries, forestry, our land and aquatic ecosystems, our safety and our way of life. Let's talk.

Open submissions and survey

The Stage 1 open submissions and survey runs from 16 June to 27 July 2022
The submission and survey portal can be accessed from link)

The submission and survey process is open to all individuals and organisations with experience or opinions relating to the BAM Act and its intended outcomes. A structured format is used to obtain information and opinions on a range of topics relevant to the review - what is working well (or not so well), the adequacy of the penalties under the Act, the ability of the Act to keep pace with changes in its operating environment, potential improvements to the Act, and our understanding and engagement with WA's biosecurity system. Although submitters are welcome to provide general observations, opinions and comments, a structured format is used to:

  • help submitters understand the scope of the Review and the key questions the Panel need to answer

  • make sure information provided in submissions is interpreted as intended

  • make it more efficient for the Panel to process submissions within the timeframe available

More detail on the submission and survey process is available from the submission and survey portal(External link).

Submissions made through the online submission portal are preferred. However, if you would like to provide a postal / email submission, you can download the submission template. Completed submissions must be received by 27 July 2022.

The open submission and survey portal is hosted for the Department by ORIMA Research

Nardia Stacy