APC Committees and representatives meet the Hon Jackie Jarvis MLC Minister for Agriculture and Food, Forestry, and Small Business

Yesterday, Agricultural Produce Commission (APC) CEO Catherine O'Keeffe arranged for all the APC Producer Committees to meet and greet the incoming Minister the Hon Jackie Jarvis MLC for Agriculture at DPIRD's head office, 1 Nash Street, East Perth. 

The Minister, a wine producer herself from the Margaret River region, already understands most of the challenges that face the fresh produce sector.

As such this gathering was a perfect opportunity for the Minister to meet and re-connect with all the relevant committee and industry representatives of the APC.  Each industry representative had the opportunity to welcome the Minister and update her on each sector and mention some of the latest achievements of jointly funded projects between themselves and the leading government agency DPIRD.   DPIRD Director of Horticulture, Rohan Prince, was also in attendance.

Building relationships between all the parties for future collaborations to improve sustainability and profitability for WA producers and growers was the top priority, along with understanding the issues around the current economic climate.

Thank you to the APC Commission and Catherine for the opportunity, on behalf of the Pomewest subcommittee of the Pome Citrus and Stone Fruit Producers' Committee.  Pomewest looks forward to a productive and close working relationship with Minister for the benefit of the Pome industry .

Nardia Stacy