Building Horticultural Business Capacity Program

The Pomewest Committee has invested funds to assist our FFS growers to access the Building Business capacity project managed by Vegetables WA.

This represents very good value as you can access consultants free of charge to analyse your business and help you improve your understanding of the financial elements of your operations to target areas to increase profitability.   

The fully funded BHBC program gives you the opportunity to partner with Planfarm consultants to gain a better understanding of how your business is truly performing. While there is benefit to having benchmarking information at an industry level, it holds little relevance to you without conducting analysis that isolates your business. Understanding where your business is at will allow you to make decisions and implement changes to ensure its continued success.

Participation presents very little time commitment as we have developed systems to make it as streamlined and easy as possible through our work with over 450 busy broadacre clients.

If you would like to gain a better understanding of how Planfarm can assist your business, please reach out !

There are still places available now - if you are interested in being involved please contact

Nardia here