Four Corners presents a special report on tactics used by the majors to keep consumer prices high and competition out

Watch out at 8.30pm tonight, on ABC tonight, Four Corners will air a special report on tactics used by the majors to keep consumer prices high and competition out.

At 8.30pm on ABC TV tonight, Four Corners will air a special report that looks to uncover Australia's major supermarkets' tactics to keep consumer prices high and the competition out.

To inform this report, Four Corners sought insights from APAL's Head of Government Relations & Advocacy, Jeremy Griffith, as a spokesperson for the National Farmers' Federation Hort Council Competition Taskforce.

Jeremy met with Four Corners to provide an extensive and detailed background briefing to highlight the nationwide impact on growers, urging Four Corners to consider the price to growers, noting that the supermarkets are underpaying suppliers and farmers.

Four Corners interviewed key players, including Brad Banducci, CEO of Woolworths and Leah Weckert, CEO of Coles, as well as Rod Sims, former chairperson of the ACCC, Andrew Leigh, Federal Competition Minister, and Senator Nick McKim, responsible for leading the supermarket inquiry. Michael Cunial, an apple and cherry grower from Orange NSW, also provided a first-hand account of the impacts being felt by growers.

Tune in to ABC TV tonight, Monday 19 February at 8.30pm

Nardia Stacy