Join us in welcoming Jennifer Riseley to the Pomewest Team

Pomewest is pleased to announce that Jennifer Riseley has been appointed Pomewest Project Officer. She will assume the role in mid-January 2024 and will be stationed at the Manjimup Horticulture Research Institute in Manjimup under the supervision of Susie Murphy White. Jennifer was the successful candidate for the newly created position from a recent recruiting process. The position will be funded in collaboration with Hort Innovation, DPIRD, and Pomewest.

Jennifer will assist Project Manager Susie Murphy White implement the upcoming PIPS4 Soil program, including trial work, extension, and other industry activities. Duties also include providing some support to the DPIRD team in the delivery to growers of the Production and IPDM aspects of the project. This project has significant outcomes for the sector's future, improving our R&D delivery and aligning with the current strategic plan's key objectives to enhance the industry's profitability and sustainability.

Born and raised in Bridgetown, Jennifer has a local connection to the southwest area and has spent the last five years working at the Southern Forests Food Council in Manjimup. She has horticultural experience and strong marketing, communication, and team-building skills. She has coordinated multiple retail marketing campaigns in the Perth metro area to drive consumer demand for locally-grown fresh produce. Jennifer coordinated WA’s Great Graze over two years as part of a team, a state-wide consumer-focused initiative across multiple growing regions and category types. Her work as Regional Node Lead for the SW WA Drought Hub has built extension and workshop delivery skills aimed at WA producers.

Enthusiastic to collaborate, Jennifer has developed a network in the horticulture industry across research, government, and advocacy. She is passionate about a future-proof horticulture industry driven by financially sustainable family farms in WA. Jennifer is excited to join the team and deliver meaningful research outcomes for Apple and Pear producers in WA.

As farmers in Manjimup, Jennifer and her partner also grow passionfruit commercially and manufacture a line of value-added drinks under their brand, Willarra Gold.  More information about the PIPS4 project and its outcomes will be forthcoming in the New Year.

Nardia Stacy