Nardia Stacy


Nardia is based in Perth with an office located at the Agricultural Produce Commission - DPIRD South Perth Campus.

She has been involved in the Fruit Industry for the past 11 years, and active her current role of Executive Manager for Pomewest since 2014.

Dedicated worker in the horticultural industry focused on developing efficient processes using knowledge with ten years’ experience in fruit production and industry management. Including varietal brand management, fruit quality programs, marketing and promotion. Highly efficient and well established in administrative environments that are fast-paced and challenging. With experience in accounting, finance, governance and secretarial administration, as well as communications, industry leadership and stakeholder support and engagement.

Her role encompasses:

  • Promotion and Marketing Nardia manages local promotion of the WA Pome Industry.

    She also current sits on the National Hort Innovation Strategic Marketing Panel for Apple and Pear Promotion, and acts a a consultant for Hort Innovation Marketing Project Submissions and Evaluations from time to time.

  • Communications – She has also been involved in the production of the former Fruitwest Magazine as assistant editor, as well as content producer for Pome contributions to the current WA Grower Magazine. She is also responsible for creating newsletters and the improvement communication strategies so that grower members keep well informed of industry matters.

    As well as implementing and maintaining a data base of member contacts, maintaining websites, email based news platforms and social media content.

  • Financial Management – including setting budgets, maintaining the integrity of transactions and the allocation of funding.

  • Management – Working in a close team environment with Project Manager Susie Murphy White, overseeing of project development, implementation and outcomes. People and Culture Development. Investigation of opportunities aligned to the industry priorities of the current strategic plan, and all committee administration and governance procedures. As well as representative of the industry in State and National Horticultural incentives as well as State representative with APAL, the national industry peak body.

Nardia is passionate and committed to shaping and improving the pome sector. Investigating opportunities to capitalise and empower FFS paying growers and engaging stakeholders to the cause.

Increasing future prosperity for the membership and strengthening the industry is the definitive goal of Pomewest.